The ADS sponsors Trial Gardens across North America to provide a place for hybridizers to have their new dahlia cultivars evaluated. MIDS maintains the Eastern Trial Garden at Eisenhower Park. Read how to submit tubers here.

Shadow a judge at the Eastern Trial Garden

On Sundays mid-August through mid-September, members will be judging the Eastern Trial Garden entries at Eisenhower Park between 9:00 - 11:00. If you are interested in learning about judging please come to this important event. All aspects of judging will be explained and all your questions about judging will be answered. If you are just curious about judging please come down to see how it is done.

How to become an ADS trained judge

The ADS, working with and through local society Judging Chairs, has a program to train and credential judges. There are three levels of judges - Candidate, Accredited, and Senior.  Someone wishing to become a judge, signs up to be a Candidate (minimal requirements, listed below) and then participates in training, online and at seminars, and in on-the-job training at shows. 

Judges at the shows work in teams with judges at various levels. In addition to the serious work of correctly and fairly choosing the winning blooms, everyone learns a lot as they observe and discuss the blooms, and it’s a lot of fun!  It is also a great way to contribute to the society and to interact and forge relationships with the members.

The American Dahlia Society has also a number of judging resources for ADS members on its website. If you are an ADS member, sign into the member’s section to access these resources. Be sure to check out the new (January 2023) Judge’s Online Curriculum. Even if you aren’t ready to become a judge, studying these modules will enhance your growing skills.

ADS members, please refer to the last ADS Bulletin for the login information

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