
How to Become a Member.

Mid Island Dahlia Society family membership is $20 per year.

  • To jump start your garden, each new member is given 3 tubers the first spring following enrollment.

  • Meetings are held the first Monday of the month, March- December, at the Jericho Public Library located at:
    1 Merry Lane,
    Jericho, NY. 11753

  • Meetings start at 7pm where club business, events and news are discussed; refreshments are served at 6.30.

  • The meetings have guest speakers who discuss relevant dahlia growing topics for that month. Members are encouraged to ask questions about their personal dahlia growing issues or concerns.

  • Members have an opportunity to volunteer at the Eisenhower Park ADS Eastern Trial Garden and at three display gardens: Paul Callahan Dahlia Garden at the Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park in Oyster Bay, Eisenhower Park in East Meadow, and Cornell/East Meadow Farm display garden in East Meadow. 

  • In addition to assisting in the gardens, volunteers are always needed to help at social events, annual show, cut flower committee, tuber sales, and garden maintenance.

American Dahlia Society

As a participating society of the American Dahlia Society (ADS), Mid Island Dahlia Society members are encouraged to join the American Dahlia Society.

The ADS is the national organization for local dahlia societies throughout the United States and Canada. Membership provides three bulletins per year, online access to their members-only website, periodic emailed newsletters and a yearly classification book of dahlias.

A single membership is $30.00/year and $35.00/year for a family.

You may join the American Dahlia Society using the common membership form above, when you join MIDS.